IHUCHA --There is a proposed airport
in western Tanzania that has divided the country.
While the airfield
has not yet been built, it nonetheless exists, either as a great opportunity or
an apocalyptic threat.
If constructed,
the new airfield, located in Mugumu vicinity, 40 km northwestern
Serengeti, a Tanzania’s flagship national park, would be facilitating direct
landing of larger aircraft near the park to offer holidaymakers
hassle-free trips.
sprawling Serengeti is famous for its spectacular annual migration of over 1.5
million white bearded wildebeest and 250,000 zebra, and for its numerous Nile
the proposed $350 million ultra-modern airport to be financed by an
American billionaire with multi-million-dollar investments in western
Serengeti, Mr Paul Tudor Jones, is not absolutely without controversy.
National Environmental Management Council (NEMC) approved the plan, the state says the airdrome, would forever change
the greatest wildlife migration on earth.
his reaction, Natural Resources and Tourism minister Lazaro Nyalandu,
apparently in his after thought, vowed that no plane would, under his watch, be
allowed to fly over Serengeti national park, the UNESCO World Heritage
can build the airport, but we are not going to let the planes fly over
Serengeti national park because their noises during landing and takeoff will
interrupt the wildlife serenity,” Mr Nyalandu says.
argued that wild animals were sensitive creatures, which, if disturbed, would
move away from Serengeti without notice. And when that happens, the lifelong
conservation efforts would be worthless.
outweighs other interests because even the investments and tourists are drawn
by flora and fauna available in Serengeti, otherwise no one would be
interested,” Mr Nyalandu argued.
“Singita is aware that the EI has been granted for Mugumu Airport. This represents a step forward in the development of air access to the northern Serengeti region and will be a direct benefit to tourism and community development in the area” Mr. Ledger says in a statement.
District executive director Goody Pamba said the construction phase would
commence in a month’s period, as experts were putting final touches on the long
overdue project.
She hopes
that the airport will
stimulate economy as the facility is expected to open up more investment prospects in
areas of tourism, hence help to create a number of opportunities in Mugumu
town, Serengeti district and the Mara region as a whole.
Serengeti Member of
Parliament, who is also a deputy minister for health and social welfare, Dr.
Stephen Kebwe achoed Ms Pamba’s sentiments, saying he was pushing the
construction to start as soon as possible.
“I can assure you that
the foundation stone for the airport project would be laid soon,” Dr. Kebwe
Aviation analysts say
that the airport, if erected will pose serious competition to other major
airports, namely Kilimanjaro international airport, Arusha and Mwanza airfields,
which currently are handling traffic en-route to Serengeti national park.
Indeed, the Serengeti
airport would make life easier for tourists, who currently travel 300
kilometers by road from KIA to the famous game sanctuary.
“I am of the opinion
that we better upgrading Mwanza airport at the desirable international
standards to handle the high-end tourists who want to sample Serengeti
attraction rather than to build close to the park” says Tanzania Association of
Tour Operators Chief Executive Officer, Sirili Akko.
of the project say the landing and takeoff of large planes in Mugumu, which
borders one of the park’s most congested areas, both in terms of humans and
wildlife, could in the long run damage wildlife migration patterns.
This area is critical to the wildebeest’s annual migration between Tanzania and Kenya’s Masai Mara Reserve.
Nine years ago, conservationists, in collaboration with Serengeti National Park officials, drew up a 10-year comprehensive general management plan (GMP) for Serengeti.
The plan prohibits expansion of human settlement and development in the wider ecosystem of Serengeti-Mara. It notes the extreme impact in the northwest border of the legendary Serengeti, which was densely settled by a population of 3,329,199 in 2011.
The population increase has been fuelling poaching, with Director General of Tanzania National Parks Allan Kijazi putting at between 200 and 300 the number of wildebeest killed annually in western Serengeti.
A UNEP and World Conservation Monitoring Centre report puts the total number of animals killed annually in Serengeti at as high as 200,000.
The Serengeti Watch organisation says a facility like the airport will require machinery, road infrastructure, jet fuel, and a steady stream of equipment, spares, and supplies to support it.
In its “Stop Serengeti International Airport” online campaign, the organisation says jumbo jets landing near the park would change the Serengeti “beyond recognition.”
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