Ellen Otaru Okoedion Private Sector Development Programme 2013 Team
leader from Tanzania, takes participants through a new website- www.fanyabiasharatanzania.com- launch in Dar es Salaam to help local entrepreneurs formalize and grow their businesses.
Ellen Otaru Okoedion Private Sector Development Programme 2013 Team
leader from Tanzania, introducing her teammates who also participated in
the launch of a new website-www.fanyabiasharatanzania.com- to help local entrepreneurs formalize and grow their businesses. The ceremony was held in Dar es Salaam at the weekend.
Rosman, Head of Development Cooperation Division in the embassy of
Sweden (holding a flower boutique and wearing a red jacket) in a group
photo with Private Sector Development (PSD) Programme 2013 Team shortly
after their graduation and launch of a website to help
local entrepreneurs formalize and grow their businesses. Far left is
Julia Norinder and far right is Daniel Stendahl PSD Programme Tutors.
Stendahl (right) Private Sector Development (PSD) Programme Tutor says a
word of thanks after being awarded by the 2013 PSD team who graduated
in Dar es Salaam at the weekend and launched a new website- www.fanyabiasharatanzania.com- to help local entrepreneurs formalize and grow their businesses. Left is Julia Norinder also a PSD programme tutor.
Norinder (second left) and Daniel Stendahl, Private Sector Development
(PSD) Programme Tutors being awarded by the 2013 PSD team who graduated
in Dar es Salaam at the weekend and launched a new website- www.fanyabiasharatanzania.com- to help local entrepreneurs formalize and grow their businesses.
Julia Norinder (second left) and Daniel Stendahl, Private Sector Development
(PSD) Programme Tutors being awarded by the 2013 PSD team who graduated
in Dar es Salaam at the weekend and launched a new website- www.fanyabiasharatanzania.com- to help local entrepreneurs formalize and grow their businesses.
Sector Development (PSD) Programme Country focal point, Emmanuel Nnko
shows one of his gifts he received from Tanzania 2013 Private Sector
Development team.
Sector Development (PSD) Programme Country focal points, Saada Mufuruki
(left) and Emmanuel Nnko (second right) being awarded by the 2013
Private Sector Development team.
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