Head of Marketing, Fastjet, PLC, Ms. Jai Gilbert, speaking to the Tanzanian Journalists who have been sponsored by Fastjet Airline to attend the 8th edition of the Sanganai/Hlanganani–World Tourism Expo which was held in Harare at the Rainbow Towers Hotel. Standing at the centre is Mpilo Nyathi a representative from Fastjet branch in Harare, Zimbabwe.(All photos by Zainul Mzige of modewjiblog).
Head of Marketing Fastjet, PLC, Ms. Jai Gilbert, during the interview Journalists.
By Modewjiblog team
A low cost airline operating in Tanzania, Fastjet, is trying to get a license to operate Zimbabwe domestic routes.
Speaking with Tanzania journalist here in Harare, Zimbabwe, Head of Marketing Fastjet, PLC, Ms. Jai Gilbert said discussions are in advanced stage and in four months they expect to be given a license.
She said they are looking to operate Victoria Falls, Johannesburg, Harare and Bulawayo routes.
Fastjet which started business in Tanzania 2012 is now flying four times to Harare, Zimbabwe via Lusaka, Zambia.
In Tanzania, this low cost airline operates in main cities of Dar es salaam, Mwanza, Arusha. Mbeya and Moshi. On international routes Fastjet is operating Johannesburg, Entebbe, Harare and Lusaka and now are seeking Nairobi route.
Since they have started operating Dar, Lusaka, Harare route the response is terrific gunning 70 percent of the capacity. They normally fly from Dar es salaam on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.
She said most of the passengers are business people and some of them are drivers who come to Dar es Salaam to pick their car and drive back.
Speaking to Modewjiblog Executive Director, Destination Marketing of Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA), and Mr. Jeffrey Manjengwa said Fastjet’s entry into Zimbabwe helped the country to reach another market segment that has been ignored for so long.
“The Government of Zimbabwe is thrilled with the coming of Fastjet and it is bringing it’s affordable price, reliable and safe service to the people of Zimbabwe,” Manjengwa said.
Mr. Manjengwa added that the initiative would go a long way in increasing connectivity and would also improve trade and tourism between Zimbabwe and Tanzania.
A Tanzanian Journalist who writes for Daily News Paper, Ms. Mariam Said, is asking question during the Interview session with Head of Marketing Fastjet, PLC, Ms. Jai Gilbert, at the 8th edition of the Sanganai/Hlanganani–World Tourism Expo which was held in Harare at the Rainbow Towers Hotel.
Fastjet that started operating in the country in 2012 carried 1.2 million passengers, 38 percent first time flyers by last year; currently has three aircraft and expects to have 2 more by the end of this year.
Ms. Gilbert thanked the government of Tanzania for helping Fastjet to become number one.
Fast jet has sponsored 5 Tanzanian journalists to attend the 8th edition of the Sanganai/ Hlanganani World tourism Expo held recently. Those journalists are from Daily News, The African, The Guardian, East Africa Business Week and Modewjiblog.
The journalists have been invited by Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA) to attend the 8th edition of the Sanganai/Hlanganani–World Tourism Expo which was held from 18 – 20 June 2015 at the Rainbow Towers Hotel in Harare, Zimbabwe.
Head of Marketing Fastjet, PLC, Ms Jai Gilbert, listening attentively to the guests who visited Fastjet booth during the 8th edition of the Sanganai/Hlanganani–World Tourism Expo 2015 which was held in Harare at Rainbow Towers Hotel.
Tanzanian Journalist on their way back to Dar es Salaam inside the Fastjet Tanzania Africa's trusted low cost airline (Airbus FN0205) which is taking route Harare, Zinbabwe via Lusaka, Zambia. From Left is Mr. Timothy Kitundu (East Africa Business Week), Mr. Justin Damian (The African) and Frank Aman (The Guardian).
Ms. Mariam Said who writes for Daily News Paper poses for a selfie with Modewjiblog Operations Manager, Zainul Mzige, inside the Fastjet Tanzania Airline returning back to Dar es Salaam after attending the 8th edition of the Sanganai/Hlanganani–World Tourism Expo 2015 which was held from 18 – 20 June 2015 in Harare at Rainbow Towers Hotel and the trip was sponsored by Fastjet Tanzania Airline.

Fastjet Cabin Crew, Maureen Mwaisaka, serving the passenger.
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