Hon. Saada Mkuya Salum, Minister for Finance during the interview with CNN International's Producer Brian MacBride.
Saada Mkuya Salum, Tanzania's Minister for Finance. engages with CNN
International on the role that the Government is playing in creating an
environment that is conducive for investment in support of Small and
Medium Enterprises (SME's) and Start Ups.
to the interview held at the Tanzania embassy in Washington DC in the
US, was CNN's quest to know how Tanzania differentiates itself from
other African countries in terms of fostering entrepreneurship and
facilitating investment in support of innovation.
Tanzania Start Up, an initiative of the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) was cited as an example of how The Government is working to incubate Start Ups.
Tanzania Start Up, an initiative of the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) was cited as an example of how The Government is working to incubate Start Ups.
Minister also alluded to how the Investment promotion agencies in
Zanzibar and Mainland were working to improve the investment climate
including publishing procedures and costs. The CNN interview was
negotiated in London by TIC.
was provided by COSTECH and DAR Technohama. The tentative date for
airing of the interview is May 2014 on CNN International's "Africa
Start Up" Programme.
Saada Mkuya Salum, Minister for Finance (centre) and Tanzania's
Ambassador to the United States Hon Liberata Mulamula (right) with CNN
International's Producer Brian MacBride at the Tanzania embassy in the
US in Washington DC
Hon. Saada Mkuya Salum, Minister for Finance prepares for the interview with CNN International's Producer Brian MacBride.
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