Matukio : EAC set to participate in the 22nd session of the conference of parties to the UNFCCC taking place in Marrakech, Morocco - Wazalendo 25 Blog

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Habari Mpya


Thursday, 3 November 2016

Matukio : EAC set to participate in the 22nd session of the conference of parties to the UNFCCC taking place in Marrakech, Morocco

East African Community Headquarters, Arusha, Tanzania, November 3rd, 2016: Preparations are in high gear at the East African Community Secretariat for it to effectively take part in the 22nd Session of the Conference of Parties (COP22) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 12th Meeting of Parties to Kyoto Protocol (CMP12) to be held from 7th to 18th November, 2016 in Marrakech, Morocco.   

The first session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA1) will also take place in Marrakech in conjunction with COP 22 and CMP 12. The main purpose of these sessions is to review the progress in the implementation of decisions and directives of COP 21/CMP11 and agree the way forward on the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

The EAC delegation will be lead by the Deputy Secretary General in charge of Finance and Administration, formerly of Productive and Social Sectors, Hon. Jesca Eriyo.

As part of the preparations for the COP22/CMP12, the EAC Secretariat with support from US Government, undertook national climate change consultative meetings from 12th September to 4th October, 2016 in all Partner States seeking to identify national climate change priorities with a view to developing the common regional position to guide negotiations during the COP22/CMP12 and CMA1 sessions. Furthermore, the national consultations aligned countries’ road map for implementation of the Paris Agreement to the roadmap proposed by the EAC Secretariat.

In the preparatory meetings, EAC Secretariat facilitated and coordinated the national climate change consultations. Discussions on the review of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDCs) in line with the Paris Agreement was initiated. Further, a consolidated common regional position was developed to ensure the region speaks with one voice in Marrakech.

Commenting ahead of the Delegation’s departure for Morocco, the Deputy Secretary General said at the COP 22/CMP12/CMA1 sessions, the EAC Secretariat will coordinate the participation of Partner States during the consultations and negotiations processes. Furthermore, the EAC Secretariat in collaboration with Partners, will organize side events to show case the achievements that have been realized in a bid to strengthen resiliency and sustainability of key productive sectors in a wake of climate change.  The EAC Secretariat will jointly organize the side events with USAID/PREPARED Project, GIZ, IUCN, UNFCCC and ARCOS and will focus on the 3 thematic areas, namely;Enhancing Ambition – Pre-2020 Action; any issues that help increase and realize ambition:
Forest Land Restoration and attaining the 2035 targets
EAC Mountains in changing Climate – An EAC Reality
EAC aiming to achieve sustainable Climate Change Finance by 2020

(b) Promoting Implementation – Methodologies, Showcasing of Climate Action, Global Stock Take:

Green House Gas Emissions: Is EAC doing it right?
Disaster Risk Reduction Management – What should we learn from EAC?

(c) Providing Support to Developing Countries – Means of Implementation, Replicable Tools and Approaches:

Achievements and lessons learned from the implementation of PREPARED Program;
EAC Renewable Energy Initiative: What to Expect from EACREEE?
Climate Smart Agriculture and the EAC CAADP: Where is the Nexus?

UNFCCC’s COP22/CMP12 is expected to mark the first step in the implementation of the Paris Agreement by devising the modality and mechanism for the implementation.  For Africa in particular, COP22/CMP12 coincides with the increasing influence and confidence on the global scene, in light of African economies notable growth trends over past decade.  Therefore, COP22/CMP12 represent a moment of opportunity for Africa to assert itself in global climate governance and ensure that the implementation of the Paris Agreement is guided by the Principles of the Convention particularly the principle of equity, justice and principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities. 

 Notes to Editor 
UNFCCC’s COP22/CMP12 will be a landmark event in the implementation of the Paris Agreement for global climate governance in post Kyoto period. For Africa and developing countries in particular, COP22/CMP12 is crucial as it will provide an opportuinty to re-negotiate and agree on the modality to contribute to Global emmission reductions through implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Therefore, COP22/CMP12 represents a moment of opportunity for Africa to assert itself in global climate governance and ensure that the implementation of the of Paris Agreement are congruent with the continent’s long term sustainable development agenda.

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